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  substitution using vars containing $1  mimir at 09:54 on Tuesday, October 02, 2007

$sub = "(\w)";
$sub_with = "\U$1";
$text = "Hi hi, i am here.";
$text =~ s/(\w)/\U$1/gi; #this works.
$text =~ s/$sub/$sub_with/gi;#this doesnt work.

#does anybody know why?

  Re: substitution using vars containing $1  mimir at 15:00 on Wednesday, October 03, 2007

#got the answer, it is:


$text = $text2 = "Hi hi, i am here.";
$sub = '(\w)';
$sub_with = '\U$1';
$text =~ s/(\w)/\U$1/gi;
eval("\$text2 =~ s/$sub/$sub_with/gi");

print STDOUT "";

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