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  controlling an app in foreground from one running in background  lz300 at 23:59 on Friday, October 05, 2007

I have built an arcade cabinet from which I will play Mame, Daphne (Dragon's Lair) and pc games (like Warcraft, Quake, RTCW, etc). I bought a joystick control (X-arcade Tankstick) which does not have an Escape button. I'm using VB6 to build the GUI that will drive the whole thing, and have successfully written code to emulate the Esc key by pressing 2 buttons simultaneously.

The problem I have is that once a game is launched, the GUI is sent to the background, and no longer recognizes any input from the buttons being pressed. I need to emulate the Esc key to exit out of games like Warcraft and RTCW.

Anyone have any ideas?

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