I have a seven page form where a "chapter" enters meeting information for their monthly meeting. We are starting to allow their members to register online. On page 3 of the form I have the check box and a session to carry it forward:
Session("AllowRegisterOnline") = CBool( Trim(Request("ckbox")) <> "" )
<input type = "checkbox" name="ckbox"> Check here if you would like to enable online registration.
Then on page 5, the registration link is displayed only if the checkbox on page 3 is checked.
If Session("AllowRegisterOnline") Then
Response.Write("<a href='http://www1.ficpa.org/coursenet/Catalog/CourseDetails.aspx?courseID=07" & objrs("online_reg") & "' target='_blank'>Register online now</a>")
End If
The problem is on page 5 there is also an edit page where they can make changes if needed. I want the checkbox to show here and be checked if they checked it on page 3, if they decide on this page and uncheck it the check does not carry forward to page 5. Make sense?
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