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  ARRAY OF HASHMAPS  dansteu at 13:22 on Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I have an array which contains associative maps. I pass this array to a function using "my @arr= @_". In debug mode, when I am over @arr I can see that in function this value is passed rightly because values are my maps. The problem starts when I try to extract the single maps in it. For esample I believed that doing my %map = $arr[0] I could obtain the map in zero position but it is not so. In debug mode I obtain a variable with undef value and name (HASH056E...). Then I cant't loop my map to extract keys and values....
Please help me.
Thanks very much.

  Re: ARRAY OF HASHMAPS  mimir at 14:28 on Thursday, July 17, 2008

have u tried:

my %map = %$arr[0];


i think the values in @arr are basically just references to hashes, but not actually hashes.

  Re: ARRAY OF HASHMAPS  dansteu at 19:40 on Thursday, July 17, 2008

ok yes with "my %map = %{$arr[0]};" it is ok

  Re: ARRAY OF HASHMAPS  mimir at 18:09 on Sunday, July 20, 2008

my $name_of_hash = $arr[0];
my %map = %{$name_of_hash};

#its more readable this way.

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