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  Site disconnects unexpectedly  Dotinfosys at 07:11 on Monday, July 28, 2008

For the following site
login : test
password : test

Unconditionally following error is displayed while browsing
"Page can not be displayed"
Once this error comes and then page is refreshed it is being displayed.Again after browsing for few minutes it again gives same error.
There is no particular page on which this error comes.It gives on any page of site.Also it doesnot come to particular time interval so there is no case of recycling of application pool.

We have already tried following soltution but no luck :(
1.Website isolated in saperate application pool
2.Execustion time out increased
3.Also tried to catch unhandled exceptions in Application_Error in global.asax, also tried for Page_Error of individual page but not getting any exceptions.

Also in the product pages the grid data is dynamically loaded.Even columns are also dynamically defined from database.but it comes on simple page too where hardly two products displayed.

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