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  Compiling JAVA code in .NET?  sivavenugopal at 04:34 on Wednesday, January 24, 2007


How can i compile java source code from C#.I should not use any .java file for compilation. Just i am writing java code in text area and whenever i click compile button, it need to compile from c# and if any errors it need show.Here i should not use VJ# compiler also.

  Re: Compiling JAVA code in .NET?  mmarab at 12:15 on Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Would you be allowed to open a command window(cmd) and compile the Java in the cmd, piping the output back into your program?

  Re: Compiling JAVA code in .NET?  sivavenugopal at 09:29 on Friday, January 26, 2007

I am doing the same thing but actually there is no java file we need to compile the code that is written by the user in a TextArea. We need to display the errors with line numbers.

Please let me know if you have any solution for this.

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