Hi all,
This may sound trival but does anyone has examples on declaring an array of Threads?
There you go:
import java.lang.*;
public class thready implements Runnable {
public void run(){
Thread[] mythreay = new Thread[20];
Thanks for your help mmarab,
Does your solution also applies to this :-
MyConstructor newObj = new MyConstructor( "name" , age);
Thread newObj = new Thread[5];
Is this legal? Anyone can verify this can work?
Yes that should work fine!
Hi ,
When I try to complie, it prompt the error
" cannot find symbol. class MyConstructor. netObj[x].start()". Do you all think my start() statement should be in the class MyConstructor although there is no main(String[] args) method?
Ok this is your code :
MyConstructor newObj = new MyConstructor( "name" , age);
Thread newObj = new Thread[5];
From this i guess you have a class called MyConstructor, you create an object from it called newObj, but then you try and make a thread from that class by using the same variable newObj as a thread. This is incorrect. Try this:
import java.lang.*;
public class TestThread extends Thread{
public TestThread() {
public static void main(String[] args){
TestThread[] myThread = new TestThread[10];
this class extends thread, which means it has thread attributes, it can be treated like a thread, using thread methods. So i create an array called myThread, which is of type TestThread(my class) and can then use the method start(), as the class extends thread.
Hope this helps.
Thank you mmarab,
That solves the error message. I tried to implement Runnable and it works too.
Excellent, glad that it helped!