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  Multiplication Problem  Gag at 09:39 on Thursday, January 25, 2007

I am doing some calculation in javascript. Lets say
a=25, b=161.2;

when I multiply these these in Javascript as below:
var result= parseFloat(a)*parseFloat(b);

it gives the answer 4029.99999999995.

But if you check it must give the result 4030.00.

I dont understand why javascript is doing internal manipulation to the result.
And how can I get the expected result.

If anybody knows something about this, plz do help me asap.

  Re: Multiplication Problem  mmarab at 12:24 on Thursday, January 25, 2007


I am not a javascript expert, but one thing i noticed is that you parse "a" which contains the value of 25 as a float, and its not a floating point number. Could you just parse it as an integer! That may increase the accurracy of the calculation.

  Re: Multiplication Problem  Gag at 02:58 on Monday, January 29, 2007

Thanks for replying. As you said, I have tried using parseInt() also, but the problem still exists. There might be some other solution to this problem.

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