Here i got a Big problem i am in a situation where i need to convert the Text Charset is Unknown.
I need to process a XML request which uses HTTP Protocol and need to process the data coming in that XML request and i should display them in the browser in my appliaction the browser charset and encoding are set to UTF-8 when ever i got the non utf-8 character the problem of MALFORMED CHArs is rising.
To avoid this we need to covert the charset of the requested data to utf-8 but to do so the SOURCE charset must be known but here we unable to know the SOURCER charset.
I had gone through most of the modules and fuctions but every module and function needs the source charset and destination charsets must be specified.
Can any body suggest me a module or method or a function any thing by means of which we can conevert the charset of a text whose siource charset is unknown, then this will be most helpful to me.
Thanks in Advance,
Mohiddin Baig.
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