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  how can I.....web crawling for vertical job search engine  jams at 04:44 on Friday, February 27, 2009

I am in process of developing a web project related to jobs that collects jobs from various other sites like like yahoo jobs, monster jobs and other job sites like, and displays job results in my website search results just like in But I am presently stuck and not able to understand how can I display various fields like Date of job, city/state, experience, type of job and other fields used on the parent site. I hope to send an email to these sites like yahoo, monster, and jobster to help me about providing their database that includes the above mentioned fields(like date of job, job title, type of job, location, salary etc.). Do you think that it could work and they can provide me with the required tables/fields out of their job database? Kindly suggest. Replies from experienced in this field of development are highly desirable.

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