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  Zip/Unzip using Asp.Net without using any third party controls.  sanjaygupta at 11:03 on Monday, February 28, 2005

Hi I am Sanjay,

I am facing problems in page i want to facilitate zip & unzip directy in my page by giving destination path.
Without using any third party controls....

isn there ant System Library in .net framework to work with Zip/Unzip like in java.

Thnx & Regards.

  Re: Zip/Unzip using Asp.Net without using any third party controls.  EhabAltaher at 19:55 on Monday, March 21, 2005

hi there :)
i see your post today .. so i'm not going to give you a solution :(
i need that to :)
so if you know the solution of your prob please send it to me :)

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