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  Shopping Cart - "error"  kitty6 at 01:06 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

When I submit an order with the shopping cart, I'm getting "error" on the submit. Can anyone help me?


  Re: Shopping Cart -  tgreer at 02:32 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

What shopping cart? What site? What error?

  Re: Shopping Cart -  kitty6 at 03:20 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The ASP Shopping Cart Code from your site. What site, the site I put the shopping cart on. The error, when you submit the order, the page should be thanks for you order or something like that but instead, I get a page that simply says "error"

  Re: Shopping Cart -  tgreer at 03:38 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Sorry, I should have realized you were talking about the CodeToad ASP shopping cart. (This isn't my site... I'm just another member).

I haven't used that code, so can't speak from familiarity. If you have a working link that demonstrates the problem, I'd be happy to take a look.

  Re: Shopping Cart -  kitty6 at 04:09 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

If you would go to this link:

Add this item to the cart, proceed to check out, reveiw order and finally submit order. When you submit, you will see what happens. It was working a few weeks ago and no editing of the pages were done since it was last working. Not sure what has happened. Maybe you can see something that is going on.

Thanks for your help.

  Re: Shopping Cart -  tgreer at 14:46 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I see the error happening, but can't troubleshoot without seeing the "place_order.asp" source code.

  Re: Shopping Cart -  kitty6 at 17:53 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Can I send it to you?

  Re: Shopping Cart -  tgreer at 18:00 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Yes, you can get my email from my website. Just click the link in the "site expert" box.


To update anyone following the thread, the error block is:

if not objrs.eof then
Response.Write "Error"
end if

Which directly follows execution of a sql statement. Does the "not" belong there? I think the error should be written if the sql statement returned an "eof" or "no records" condition. This code seems to do just the opposite of that. Am I looking at it right?

  Re: Shopping Cart -  yaya at 07:01 on Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Hi. Im having the same problem as yours. Do u mind if you send me ur code?

Thank You.

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