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  Java question - zoom/selection  psychodan at 15:06 on Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I wanted to know if Java could be used for the following:

Website page cluttered with many blocks containing different webpages/stuff: weather/maps/random stuff
I want to take this page and mineraturize everything but still keep it active so I can see whats going on. Then when I need to view something, I could click the block I want and it zooms in on it to full screen.

I've been trying to figure out how to do this...but I'm lost.

Basically I'm trying to make a dashboard. This dashboard would contain weather maps...html pages of site statuses
I want to take these pages and mineraturize them into little active blocks on one page.

I hope I explained myself well enough.

-Never sleeps

  Re: Java question - zoom/selection  mmarab at 10:06 on Thursday, February 01, 2007

I have not seen this done in Java before, that doesnt mean that it hasnt, or that it cant be done! But i have seen this done many times in Flash, there is also a lot of support available, here is a website which gives a tutorial on magnification:

This is one tutorial, there are many out there for this sort of thing!

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