This is my First Post.
I am trying to teach myself JavaScript in hopes of increasing my skills to get a new job. My job was outsourced while I was out on medical leave. bummer.
I have been messing with the following script and don't know why it will not execute the document.write when a Selection (checkboxes) have been selected and the Submit Button is depressed. Now I'm gettin depressed. <g>
Please any help would be Greatly Appreciated.
At least when it generates an error I can halfway determine what's going on. I'm clueless.
Thanks in Advance!
<script language="JavaScript">
//this function will check for which radio button was selected
function check()
if(!document.frm1.ConfType[0].checked && !document.frm1.ConfType[1].checked)
alert("You Must Select At least One Category");
return false;
if (document.frm1.ConfType[0].checked)
{ return checkDreams(); }
{ return checkRevelatory(); }
function checkDreams()
var checkbox_choices = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < document.frm1.Dreams.length; counter++)
if (document.frm1.Dreams[counter].checked)
{ checkbox_choices++; }
if (checkbox_choices > 3 )
document.write("<h3>Based upon your selections the Online Advisor recommends the following</h3>");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED CLASSES:</h4>")
document.write("1. 101 - Hearing the Lost Art.");
document.write("2. 201 - Understanding your Dreams.");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED READING:</h4>")
document.write("1. Does my bed hold Dreams by Daniel James")
document.write("2. Dreams - The Cellular Level of Understanding - Stephen Christopher.");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED CONFERENCES:</h4>")
document.write("Understanding the Dreams you Dream Symposium - June 12 Reunion Tower")
document.write("20th Annual Conference - The Study of Dreams - August 15 Irving Stadium.");
document.write("For Detailed Description of Results click here".link("/forum/index.html"))
return (false);
if (checkbox_choices < 3 )
document.write("<h3>In order to receive a recommendation, you must make at least 3 selections!</h3>")
return (false);
// If three are selected write
document.write("Based upon your selections the Online Advisor recommends the following");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED CLASSES:</h4>")
document.write("1. 101 - Hearing the Lost Art.");
document.write("2. 201 - Understanding your Dreams.");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED READING:</h4>")
document.write("1. Does my bed hold Dreams by Daniel James")
document.write("2. Dreams - The Cellular Level of Understanding - Stephen Christopher.");
document.write("For Detailed Description of Results click here".link("/forum/index.html"))
return (true);
function checkRevelatory()
var checkbox_choices = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < document.frm1.Revelatory.length; counter++)
if (document.frm1.Revelatory[counter].checked)
{ checkbox_choices++; }
if (checkbox_choices > 3 )
// If more than three selections made display
document.write("<h3>Based upon your selections the Online Advisor recommends the following</h3>");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED CLASSES:</h4>")
document.write("1. 301 - Developing your Revelatory Nature.");
document.write("2. 401 - Understanding Revelatory Insight.");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED READING:</h4>")
document.write("1. Revelatory Declarations and Understanding by Jessica Mary")
document.write("2. The Power of Revelation Renewal by Elizabeth Joy");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED CONFERENCES:</h4>")
document.write("Symposium of the Revelatorians- July 12 KingDome")
document.write("Unleashing the Revelatory Conference - A Deeper Understanding - October 12 The BallPark Arlington.");
document.write("For Detailed Description of Results click here".link("/forum/index.html"))
return (false);
if (checkbox_choices < 3 )
document.write("<h3>In order to recieve a recommendation, you must make at least 3 selections!</h3>")
return (false);
// If three are selected write
document.write("<h3>Based upon your selections the Online Advisor recommends the following</h3>");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED CLASSES:</h4>")
document.write("1. 301 - Developing your Revelatory Nature.");
document.write("2. 401 - Understanding Revelatory Insight.");
document.write("<h4>RECOMMENDED READING:</h4>")
document.write("1. Revelatory Declarations and Understanding by Jessica Mary")
document.write("2. The Power of Revelation Renewal by Elizabeth Joy");
document.write("For Detailed Description of Results click here".link("/forum/index.html"))
return (true);
<h1>Online Class Advisor</h1>
<p>The Online Class Advisor will help yout determines what classes,conferences, or books you should consider purchasing based upon responses to the following questions. Based upon your selection the Online Class Advisor will make recommendations on HSL classes, conferences and books.</p>
<h3>The Online Class Advisor can assist you in selecting a class, conference, or book in the following two categories.</h3>
<h3> "Understanding Dreams" and "Revelatory Strengths"</h3>
<form name="frm1" onSubmit="return check();">
Please select a category:
<input type="radio" name="Understanding Dreamss" value="Understanding Dreamss" onClick="document.getElementById('Dreams').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('Revelatory').style.display = 'none'">Dreams
<input type="radio" name="Revelatory Strengths" value="Revelatory Strengths" onClick="document.getElementById('Revelatory').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('Dreams').style.display = 'none'">Revelatory
<div id="Dreams" style="display:none">
<h4>Please select all that apply</h4>
<input type="checkbox" value="I am curious if dreams have any meaning." name="checkbox"> I am curious if dreams have any meaning.<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="I dream often." name="checkbox">I dream often.<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="My dreams are in color." name="checkbox">My dreams are in color.<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="I remember and write down my dreams. " name="checkbox">I remember and write down my dreams. <br>
<input type="checkbox" value="I have a recurring dream." name="checkbox">I have a recurring dream.<br>
<div id="Revelatory" style="display:none">
<h4>Please select all that apply</h4>
<input type="checkbox" value="I sometimes experience Deja Vu. " name="checkbox">I sometimes experience Deja Vu.<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="I often know what people will say before they say it." name="checkbox">I often know what people will say before they say it.<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="At times I know what will happen before it does." name="checkbox">At times I know what will happen before it does.<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="I can discern peoples true motives." name="checkbox">I can discern peoples true motives. <br>
<input type="checkbox" value="I have a strong intuition." name="checkbox">I have a strong intuition.<br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">