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  error and output redirection in perl  vej1lr at 12:11 on Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Could anyone help me in redirecting the output and errors as well to a log_file.I wrote a simple script as below. Could anyone suggest me the best way to handle the errors and output of a perl script.
Thanks in advance.
$S = "\\";
$log_file = "c:".$S."log_file";
$output_file = "c:".$S."output_file";
open STDERR,">$log_file";
open STDOUT, ">$output_file";
$status = system("cleartool ls");
close STDERR;
close STDOUT;

  Re: error and output redirection in perl  mimir at 04:10 on Friday, March 09, 2007

$S = "\\";
$log_file = "c:".$S."log_file";
$output_file = "c:".$S."output_file";
open STDERR,">$log_file";
open STDOUT, ">$output_file";
$status = system("cleartool ls");

#Mimir writing here..
print STDERR $log_file;
print STDOUT $output_file;
#End of Mimir

close STDERR; close STDOUT;

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