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  installing DB_File on Perl Package Manager(PPM)  vij at 10:26 on Thursday, August 17, 2006

I am facing problems in installing DB_File package on PPM ,eventhough i have manually stored DB_File on my C drive.On my PPM
wen i say ....install DB_File i am getting the error as DB_File not found.Wat might be the reasons for failure?

  Re: installing DB_File on Perl Package Manager(PPM)  javabits at 19:55 on Thursday, August 17, 2006

It looks like you are using ActiveState Perl. Other people are having the same problems, follow the link below for a thread with a possible solution.

With perl on cygwin or unix boxes it would be simple to install with just the following command line.

perl -MCPAN -e 'install DB_File'

semper fi...

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