please you make project about c++ data structers
Due Date: 12 December 2008 friday
Write a program that implements a quematic system of a bank.
Consider that there are two bankers helping customers. There are
two types of custormers: own customer and other customers. Own
customers have priority over the other customers, in which 3
customers from own customers and 1 customer from other customers
are served. Assume that customer arrival times are uniformly
distributed between 60-180 seconds for own customers and between
120-300 seconds for other customers. Also assume that banker 1 and
2 finish helping customers between 60-120 and 30 and 90 seconds,
respectively (helping time is also uniformly distributed).
The program should count the number of customers helped (own and
other customers and total customers), number of customers banker 1
and 2 helped, average time for waiting for customers, average time
finishing time for each banker.
Run the program for 20 minutes and display the results.
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