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  Help please ,Urgent !!! annaaa :((  annapink at 03:09 on Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hi, i need help with my c.w i know this is not the right place to ask but i have no other choice ! I had a friend who was suppose to help me to do this but went to holiday and now i have till 3rd april to submit this or i'll fail :(( :(( :((

Please Pleasee pleaseeee i'm not good at c++ i've been trying to find a way to do this for 2weeks now but i couldn't i've never felt this dumb in my life !!! :((

Please send me anything that you think will help me out :((

Develop a class specification for the class Point (the data members and the prototypes for the member functions) in the file point.h.
Develop the implementation of the member functions in the file and test them with a suitable test program.
For example:
int main()
Point P1;
P1.create(24,16); // create a point with coordinates {24,16}
P1.display(); // display the {X,Y} coordinates of P1

Develop a class specification for the class Line (the data members and the prototypes for the member functions) in the file line.h.
Develop the implementation of the member functions in the file and test them with a suitable test program.
For example:
int main()
Point P1;
P1.create(24,16); // create a point with coordinates {24,16}
Point P2;
P2.create(33,42); // create a point with coordinates {33,42}
Line L1;
L1.create(P1,P2); // create a line using points P1 and P2
cout << L1.length() << endl; // display the length of line L1
Line L2;
L2.create(12,30,28,16); // create a line using coordinates {12,30}, {28,16}
L2.display(); // display the coordinates of both points

We wish to determine the length of the boundary of an irregular polygon.
The polygon may have between 3 and 9 sides.
The user should be prompted to enter the number of sides and the coordinates of each vertex point.
The program should then calculate and display the total length of the boundary.
You should write a main function to implement this using your Point and Line classes and test the program thoroughly.

What you should hand in
The following should be submitted to the Campus office in hard-copy form:

* A listing of the files point.h,, the class test program and results.
* A listing of the files line.h,, the class test program and results.
* The application test program and results.

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