Hi Friends
First of all i want to say hi to you all as i am a new bie to this site.
I have installed .NET 2005 recently.
Coming to my problem in asp.net, when i try to run a website, my website is loading with port no <3 than the original port number shown in the pop up
window. It runs fine if i edit the address bar with original portno and press F5.
Can anybody suggest me a possible solution for this problem
thank you
The designing of the website should only be performed with the help of a professional. There are a lot of things to take care while designing the website that needs to be presented in the internet. The template of your website should be according to the theme of your business. A professional guidance will help you in this.
70-647| EX0-101| 220-701| 000-115| HP0-S28| 640-553| 642-384| 350-029