I want to implement a feature like Gmail. When in Gmail, we compose email and without sending a mail, we click other link menu like Inbox, Chats, Drafts , one pop up is displayed with description “Your message has not been send. Discard your Message? Two button like OK and Cancel. Similar feature like Gmail pop up I want to implement in my application.
My queries are:-
I have 10 records in grid view bind with Datatable.This rerecords are temporary store in session. There are two button like “save†and “cancelâ€. When user clicks the save button record goes to database. But suppose, records are available in grid view and user click other menu or link button. Then in this scenario I want to display a pop up message for user,†do you want to save or discard the record in grid view.
I need your help, how can I do or implement this in my application.
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