Hi ,
I created one aspx page ,in that i have one hyper link called (VIEW). when i click the view link , i am trying to open the file from my local hard drive c:\ Test-Docs\data , Problem is its not opening the file. its says access denied. I want this feature , pls help me to solve this issue. if its other then aspx file its works fine , i am getting this error only when i running form aspx.
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
2 <script>
3 //<!--
4 function newwindow(strFileName)
5 {
6 window.open(strFileName,'mywindow','width=400,height=600,resizable=yes');
7 }
8 //-->
9 </script>
11 <table BORDER="2" ALIGN="left" CELLPADDING="5" BORDERCOLOR="#ff0000"
12 13 <td>test</td>
14 <td>test</td>
15 <td class="text">test</td>
16 <td class="text">10/26/2006 8:06:56 AM</td>
17 <td class="text">test_10_26_2006_08_04_06.html</td>
18 <td><a href="javascript:newwindow('file://C:\\Test-Docs\\data\\test_10_26_2006_08_04_06.html');">View</a></td>
19 <td><input type="submit" id="Download" style="font-style:veranda; font-size:8px; width: 65;" value="Download"
21 onClick="getDownloadFileName('test_10_26_2006_08_04_06.html')" ></td>
22 </tr>
23 </table>