Something screwed up on me when I clicked post, hopefully it'll work this time...
I have a form for manual overrides of the automatic entries into a timeclock database.
The source record is in the date/time format and receives an auto timestamp of Now() when the user clocks in/out. It is being stored in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss (A/P)M.
I make dateIn = the record, and then split it up for editing:
varDD = int(dateIn)
varHH = hour(dateIn)
varMM = minute(dateIn)
varAPM = right(dateIn,2)
after the form is submitted, I am trying to regroup the changes and put it back in my record.
This is what I've tried, and I don't know what else I can do:
var5 = (cstr(varDD) & " " & cstr(varHH) & ":" & cstr(varMM) & ":00 " & cstr(varAPM))
if I then try to cdate(var5) all I get is the vbshortdate format, and I need the hours and minutes. How do I do this? Is there a way to reverse the formatDateTime(_,0) function? Help...