I have a database with articles that expire after a certain date and this works fine. I would also like to make them expire at the date at a certain time.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks in advance
What database? What platform? What language? How do you get them to "expire" currently? What exactly do you mean by "expire"?
Hi , the language is ASP the database is Access or SQL server.
In the database i have the table articles.
this contains the following
ID (autonumber)
Title (text)
Article (memo)
Created (date) standard date format
Expiredate (datetime) shortdate 01-11-2004
Expiretime (datetime) shorttime 15:30
Using the date and time shown above the article should not display on the page as the date is now 05-11-2004
But I also wanted it not to display on the page at the date 01-11-2004 at 15:31
I hope this is info enough
Could you also give us the SELECT statement and/or Stored Procedure you're currently using?
If you are responsible for the database design, you should combine the expire date and expire time fields into a single field of type "datetime". Then, your code that performs the query can compare to a single field.
If you can't change the database, you need to combine the two fields in your query, using the "add" operator, which is the plus sign "+", or even better, the DATEADD function.
I'd have to see your existing query/stored proc to show you a modified version.
I have the code here:
Set rs = oConn.Execute("Select * from cases Where active <> 0 order by caseTitle")
Do While Not rs.Eof
DateNow=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbShortDate)
If viewData >= 0 OR rs("expire") = 0 Then
' Display the data
Response.Write "<p>" rs("created") & "</p>"
Response.Write "<p>" rs("title") & "</p>"
Response.Write "<p>" rs("article") & "</p>"
rs.MoveNext ' go to next record
I have control of the database so I could change the expire date field.
Thanks in advance
Then that's definitely the way to go... store an entire timestamp, date plus time, in a single field in the database.
I would also modify your query. Add a where clause to only select non-expired records:
Set rs = oConn.Execute(@"Select * from cases Where (active <> 0
and ExpireDate > " +
DateNow=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbGeneralDate) +
") order by caseTitle")
Don't trust that code, I don't know what you need to do to make ASP return a complete datetime. In .NET it's "System.DateTime".
Thanks for your help
I changed the field expiredate to a general date in the database and changed the sql to this.
Set rs = oConn.Execute("Select * from cases Where (active <> 0 and ExpireDate > Now()) order by caseTitle")
This worked the way that I needed.
I have only tried this in access and wil try it in SQL server, but I know that SQL server treats date/time differnt than access so I am not sure it will work
Best regards