when i run my asp program on the nokia simulator brower,it the error message appear(can't load 'filename'HHTP server error).when i check the nokia gateway program to view the error,the error message appear(wml encoding failed.character encoding conversion failed.)
what does this mean?
Please help me.
And why sometimes i run the asp program,it work.but sometimes i run the same it can't work?
another question is i think is also server problem.
for eg.
the program list 4 selection to choose.After u choose, the information displayed on the screen.
when i choose first selection,the information successfully displayed.but when i choose another like third selection, it failed to work.(the error occur-can't load filename.asp)
please help me to solve and explain the cause and solution to me.
Thanks alot.
why?nobody kanow the solution.
So sad.
i try search the solution on the net but still can't find.
really nobody know?
if somebody know,please reply quickly.
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