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  Image array - webcam display  migz at 06:21 on Friday, May 01, 2009

Hi guys,

I'm having some trouble executing my script and I'm not sure where I am going wrong.

It for a webcam - The web cam captures 5 images a second and is saved into a directory, (only 5 images) and the 5 images gets over written every 1 second.

The script needs to read in sequential order 1-2-3-4-5 and loop back, refreshing the images.

I hope someone can help.... Thanks in advanced.


<script type="text/javascript">
var mypics = new Array(); //making a new array
mypics [0] = "http://localhost/cam2images/snap.jpg"; //storing dead paths
mypics [1] = "http://localhost/cam2images/snap1.jpg";
mypics [2] = "http://localhost/cam2images/snap2.jpg";
mypics [3] = "http://localhost/cam2images/snap3.jpg";
mypics [4] = "http://localhost/cam2images/snap4.jpg";

function refreshImage()
var img = document.getElementById('idofyourimage');

i=integer; //integer value...

for (i=0;i<5;i++) // makes it loop through array with pointer of i;



setTimeout("refreshImage()", 4000);
<img src="/forum/cam2images/snap.jpg" id="idofyourimage" width="600" height="480" />

<script type="text/javascript">







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