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Problem found on creating elements dynamically in a “for” loop Blue_Crystal at 03:00 on Tuesday, February 03, 2009

In the below code, the created link element (ap) correctly displays the right customer number in the instruction “ap.href="javascript:CallCustomer("+i+")";” but it displays the wrong icon number in the instruction “ap.onmouseover= function(){ t.innerHTML = "icon " + i};”. It always shows the last value of “i” in the for loop plus 1, no matter what link the mouse is over.

How to fix it ?

function init()

t = document.getElementById("test");

ctn = document.getElementById('container');

for( var i= 0; i < total_icons; i++)
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
var divIdName = 'icon_pos'+i;


var alink = document.createElement('a');
var aIdName = 'alink'+i;


var ap = document.getElementById('alink'+i);

ap.href = "javascript:CallCustomer("+i+")";

ap.onmouseover= function(){ t.innerHTML = "icon " + i};

var icon_img = document.createElement('IMG');

var imIdName = 'icon'+i;

icon_img.setAttribute('id', imIdName);





function CallCustomer( number )
alert("You called Customer "+number);


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