Hi all. I'm pretty new to javascript and can't figure this one out. I am looking for a way on page load to detect the resolution of the bowser, and then display a different image based on the results. For instance, if resolution is <= 800 display image 1, else if resolution >= 801 display image 2. Can anyone help me with something like that?
It's very easily!
Code Here
function makeImage()
var ScrW=screen.width;
var ScrH=screen.height;
var img=(ScrW>800)?'/forum/img1.jpg':'/forum/img2.jpg';
document.write('<img src="' + img + '">');
recode yourself for free
Hmmm, I tried out your code but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Ek, i tested on IE and FF, it works.
You can chat with me on Yahoo Messenger ad o0DarkEvil0o for further help.
Hi, you must call makeImage() function where you want to display the image. Go my page to get how it works on both IE and FF. Example
AHHH! Got it, excellent. Thank you very much.
I am having problems with it again. I get a sytax error after I altered the code for 3 possible images. Do you see what is wrong in this section?
var ScrW=screen.width;
var ScrH=screen.height;
function getImage()
var img= if (ScrW<1023)
else if (ScrW>1023&&ScrW<1151)
else if (ScrW>1151)
return img;
I never code that isn't explicit.
Edited your code here, it is in syntax: variable = (condition)?'<value when codition==true>':'<value when codition==false>';
var ScrW=screen.width;
var ScrH=screen.height;
function getImage()
var img=(ScrW<1023)?('/forum/bimg800.jpg'):((ScrW<1151)?('/forum/bimg1024.jpg'):((ScrW>1151)?('/forum/big1280.jpg'):('/forum/big1024.jpg')));
return img;