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  different image displayed based on screen resolution  socozima at 17:57 on Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hi all. I'm pretty new to javascript and can't figure this one out. I am looking for a way on page load to detect the resolution of the bowser, and then display a different image based on the results. For instance, if resolution is <= 800 display image 1, else if resolution >= 801 display image 2. Can anyone help me with something like that?

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  o0DarkEvil0o at 16:04 on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's very easily!
Code Here

function makeImage()
var ScrW=screen.width;
var ScrH=screen.height;
var img=(ScrW>800)?'/forum/img1.jpg':'/forum/img2.jpg';
document.write('<img src="' + img + '">');
recode yourself for free

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  socozima at 16:36 on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hmmm, I tried out your code but it doesn't seem to do anything.

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  o0DarkEvil0o at 16:53 on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ek, i tested on IE and FF, it works.
You can chat with me on Yahoo Messenger ad o0DarkEvil0o for further help.

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  socozima at 17:06 on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I don't have yahoo messenger. maybe you can look at this and see what i did wrong. ing1.jpg and img2.jpg are in the same directory.

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  o0DarkEvil0o at 17:30 on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hi, you must call makeImage() function where you want to display the image. Go my page to get how it works on both IE and FF.

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  socozima at 17:40 on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

AHHH! Got it, excellent. Thank you very much.

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  o0DarkEvil0o at 17:45 on Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lol, your're welcome!

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  socozima at 00:58 on Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I am having problems with it again. I get a sytax error after I altered the code for 3 possible images. Do you see what is wrong in this section?

var ScrW=screen.width;
var ScrH=screen.height;
function getImage()
var img= if (ScrW<1023)
else if (ScrW>1023&&ScrW<1151)
else if (ScrW>1151)

return img;

  Re: different image displayed based on screen resolution  o0DarkEvil0o at 03:51 on Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I never code that isn't explicit.
Edited your code here, it is in syntax: variable = (condition)?'<value when codition==true>':'<value when codition==false>';

var ScrW=screen.width;
var ScrH=screen.height;
function getImage()
var img=(ScrW<1023)?('/forum/bimg800.jpg'):((ScrW<1151)?('/forum/bimg1024.jpg'):((ScrW>1151)?('/forum/big1280.jpg'):('/forum/big1024.jpg')));
return img;

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