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  show hide problem in dynamic table creation  rsanuj at 05:24 on Monday, May 05, 2008

Hi Friends,
I have problem to show hide contents in a table which is generated at run time.

Here i am giving code which is used with
Dim strMs As String
oDataAccess = New DataAccessClass
oDR = oDataAccess.ExecuteProcedure("spGetAdvisoryBoardDetailsNew") ', oSQLparam)
If oDR.HasRows Then
While oDR.Read()
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim i As Int16
Dim td As HtmlTableCell
Dim tr As HtmlTableRow

Dim strHtml As String
Dim strHtml1 As String
intCount = oDR.FieldCount
For i = 0 To intCount

strHtml = "<tr><td><table><tr><td><IMG src='images/"
strHtml = strHtml & oDR("ImageName")
strHtml = strHtml & "'> </td>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<td valign='top' width='700px'>" & oDR("AdvisoryDetails") & "</td>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<td align='Right' width='400px' vAlign='baseline'><font name='verdana' size=1>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<A id='LM' onclick='showcontent('content'); return true;' href='javascript:showcontent('content','LM')'>Learn More"
strHtml = strHtml & "</font></td>"
strHtml = strHtml & "</tr></table></td></tr>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<tr><td><div id='content'><table><tr><td></td><td>" & oDR("AdvisoryContents")
strHtml = strHtml & "<font style='LEFT: 668px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; POSITION: absolute' size='1'><A onclick='hidecontent('content'); return true;' href='javascript:hidecontent('content')'>Hide</A></font>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<br></td></tr></table></div></td></tr>"
tr = New HtmlTableRow
td = New HtmlTableCell
td.InnerHtml = strHtml '& strContents
End While
End If
Catch sqlex As SqlException
Throw sqlex
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
If Not IsNothing(oDataAccess) Then
oDataAccess = Nothing
End If
If Not IsNothing(oDR) Then
End If
End Try

and its java script code:
function showcontent(d)
if(d.length < 1) { return; }
document.getElementById(d).style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("Content").style.display = "none";
function hidecontent(d)
if(d.length < 1)
{ return; }
document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none";

please help to solve the problem

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