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  Submitting a parent form from a child window in IE 7  livehed at 16:16 on Thursday, February 15, 2007

I'm trying to submit a parent form from a child window using javascript in Internet explorer version 7.
But I get "Access denied" error message when I'm trying to access "document" object of parent form in child window.
Is there any workaround for this???Please let me know.

FYI,both the parent and the child are in the same security domain.

And btw, the same code works fine in Internet explorer version 6.

The problem is only in IE 7.

This is the code in my child window...

function MyFunction()
var win = window.opener;
if ( win )
var Form = win.document.globalDataForm;
Form.skipSave.value = "Y"
Form.targetWizard.value = "6";
Form.targetStep.value = "1";
Form.targetMode.value = "1";
Form.func.value = "MoveTo";
Form.bypassWorkflow.value = "N"; = "";
catch (e)

I'm getting "Accessed denied" at this line in the above code:
var Form = win.document.globalDataForm;
Here,"globalDataForm" is the form name in parent window.

Thanks in advance...!


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