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  problem to populate tables dynamically  sam68 at 13:45 on Friday, February 09, 2007

Hi ,
I would like to dynamically populate tables
var bloc = new Array();which contain nested arrays(with constant size)

bloc[0]= new array(10);
bloc[1]= new array(10);
// till bloc[k]

The T table contening my values are constitued from inner array with different

var T= new Array();
T[0], T[1], T[2],till T[n]

I start to fill the bloc[0] with T[0] and if the length of T[0] is smaller than 10 I

go on with T[1]
But I have the constraint to have unique element per bloc
I have already checked than the individual table T[0], T[1], T[n]...have unique


for exemple
T[0]= ['1','2','3','4','5','6','20']; //i element
T[1]= ['30','20','10','11'];
then bloc[0]should be['1','2','3','4','5','6','20','30','10','11']
function Test(){
var k = 0; //counter of block
var j=0;// loop in block

var n=0; //counter of nested T
var i=0;// loop in T[]
var found;

bloc[0][0]=T[0][0]; //initialisation: the first element in the first

bloc come from the first elemt of T[0]

for (i=0; i<(T[n].length);i++){ //i is the counter of element in T[]

if(i%10==0)k++; //if already 10 elements in the block

then a new bloc created

if (bloc[k][j] == T[n]) {
si element found do nothing
found = true;

if (!found){
bloc[k][bloc[k].length] = T[n];
// then put it in the block


The function didnot work
Problem with loop?
many thanks for your ideas

  Re: problem to populate tables dynamically  sam68 at 07:22 on Saturday, February 10, 2007

The problem is solved with the following function

for (var i=0; i<T.length; ++i) {
for (var j=0; j<T.length; ++j) {
bloc[bloc.length - 1].push(T[j]);
if (bloc[bloc.length - 1].length == 10)
bloc[bloc.length] = [];

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