I have a legacy site that is a portal to reach other sites. I decided to use IFrames because with the way it was set up before the user would click on a button to go to another site and end up with that site opened three to four times. And it wouldn't wright to the databases. Also this is on an intranet and you have to login to get to it.
I have the site set up and working.
Problem-Two of the sites have to be logged into to pass information. The login is the same as the login for the portal site. I cannot get the username and password to pass to the child frame.
Programming in Perl.
HELP I have been working on this for too long.
I have had a similar problem - the answer is querystrings - pass the users information through the iframe page link eg: iframe src="/forum/thispage_uname_billy_amppass_chips.html"
Then pick up the login info on the "/forum/thispage.html"
You may choose to encrypt the uname and password eg by replacing the letters with numbers etc....
Hope this helps
Make man a fire keep him warm for a night...
Set man on fire keep him warm for a lifetime...
sorry my fault - thought i was in the asp forum - sorry - ignore me im off for a kip....
You can use DIV tags with the CSS "overflow: scroll" property.