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Create an ASP SQL Stored Procedure
Stored Procedures are very powerful database tools. They are essentially mini-programs and using SQL you can achieve many of the programmatic tricks you might use in an ASP page, including loops, if else statements and so on.
The useful thing about stored procedures is that they separate out the database activity from the displaying. This keeps your ASP pages very simple and makes maintenance a lot easier.
Here I'll introduce you to the basics of using a stored procedure and passing a parameter to it.
Open Enterprise Manager, and open your database in the tree structure. Right click on Stored Procedures and select 'New Stored Procedure'
Let's create a procedure called getproducts
Here we have created a variable called @product_id and passed it to our SQL select statement. All variables have the @ sign before them in SQL language.
Now, from within your ASP page, you can call this procedure in a number of ways.
As the procedure in this case is a select statement, you will most likely want to receive the results into a recordset:
If however the procedure was an update statment - for example,
update products set delivered=1 where product_id=@product_id
then you might want simply to execute the procedure as follows:
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User Comments on 'Create an ASP SQL Stored Procedure'
Posted by :
Archive Import (Lorna) at 12:42 on Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Thanks! Tried the example on the MS site but this worked first time.
Posted by :
pathak at 00:43 on Wednesday, March 03, 2004
i have this problem that i havent been able to solve for almost a week now.....
i am designing this SQL server backend & ASP frontend software....
how do i update several fields at a time concurrently from the ASP??? the update query needs a primary key for the row to be selected but that primary key is being generated by SQL server as a counter.....so i am just defining the variable where this primary key is being stored. <%=rs(call_id))%> call_id being 1,2,3... upon generation
how do i select attributes pertaining to a particular call_id so that i make changes in that row upon pressing the save button?
Posted by :
atlwebguy at 18:27 on Monday, April 05, 2004
I have a syntax question:
how can i pass multiple variables into the example above. For instance my stored procedure will look something like Select * from myTable Where column1 = @variable1 and column2 = @variable2
I can't get the syntax in the .asp page correct. I've tried
Connection.Execute "myStoredProc" & variable1, & variable2
Connection.Execute "myStoredProc" & variable1 & variable2
Connection.Execute "myStoredProc" & variable1 & variable2 &
and countless others.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Posted by :
Arniethebomb at 01:10 on Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Hi atlwebguy,
Please try to include space between the stored proc name and the parameters. like
Connection.Execute "MystoredProc " & variable1 & "," & variable2
if your variable1 is a string parameter try this:
Connection.Execute "MystoredProc '" & variable1 & "'," & variable2
If both parameters are string make the second parameter as string also .
Posted by :
Xenova at 20:33 on Tuesday, April 27, 2004
does this work with mySQL aswell?
Posted by :
jermcode at 00:40 on Saturday, May 15, 2004
MySQL supports stored procedures only in the newest version, but it doesn't support transactions or transactional integrity unless you use berkeleydb or innodb, both of which are not free. The stored procedure support in MySQL is basically a way to store statements, and provides no speed enhancements or compilation at all. Quite the opposite in fact, the manual suggests that the stored procedures will typically take LONGER to execute. This is not the case with commercial RDBMS packages- MSSQL will always be able to execute stored procedures faster.
To answer your question- "yes." But don't bother.
Posted by :
jermcode at 00:43 on Saturday, May 15, 2004
>>how do i update several fields at a time concurrently from the ASP???
You can pass multiple parameters, like this:
create proc SX_Update_Employee
(@employeeid int, @firstname varchar(20), @lastname varchar(20),@phone varchar(10))
update employee set firstname=@firstname,lastname=@lastname,phone=@phone where employeeid=@EmployeeID
(the employeeid int field is the primary key.)
Posted by :
jermcode at 00:49 on Saturday, May 15, 2004
PS- be sure that when you call this from your asp that you fix single quotes (apostrophies) like this:
set db=createobject("ADODB.Connection")
db.open "dsnName","user","password" 'dsn-example, dsnless will work as well
sql = "SX_Update_Employee " & employeeid & ","
sql = sql & "'" & replace(firsname,"'","''") & "',"
sql = sql & "'" & replace(lastname,"'","''") & "',"
sql = sql & "'" & replace(phone,"'","''") & "'"
db.execute sql
db.close 'always clean up after yourself
set db=nothing
*note that doing the sql=sql& part is extremely bad practice and will result in poorly performing execution. I only broke it out that way for clarity in posting!
Posted by :
abinash at 04:59 on Thursday, April 21, 2005
how to send error message to client throw stroed procedure in asp
Posted by :
ranjana at 05:22 on Friday, July 22, 2005
how to update procedure using asp script
Posted by :
sheeri at 16:36 on Sunday, June 11, 2006
hello will anybody help me that i have got a stored procedure in sql which returns a xml through 'for xml explicit' i want to call that stored procedure from a ASP page directly and want to load that xml in normal object of Dom document .... will anybody plz give me a line of code for this...plz..i want it urgently a stored procedures dont accpet any argument..plz....thank u in advance
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