Hey, I am taking a class in perl, and my assignement was to make this form so i have the form all made and it works, now i have to take this form and have the data that is entered saved to a text file. how would i go about doing this. here is my perl file.
#juniper.cgi - creates a dynamic Web page that acknowledges
#the receipt of a registration form
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;
#declare variables (** change $ to @ in sysletter / add $key **)
my ($name, $serial, $modnum, @sysletter, $key);
my @models = ("Laser JX", "Laser PL", "ColorPrint XL");
# add hash declaration
my %systems = ("W", "Windows",
"M", "Macintosh",
"L", "Linux");
#assign input items to variables
$name = param('Name');
$serial = param('Serial');
$modnum = param('Model');
# (** change $ to @ in sysletter)
@sysletter = param('System');
#create Web page
print "<html><head><title>Juniper Printers</title></head>\n";
print "<BODY><H2>\n";
print "Thank you, $name, for completing \n";
print "the registration form.<br /><br />\n";
print "We have registered your Juniper $models[$modnum] printer, \n";
print "serial number, $serial. \n";
# (** modify hash references for multiple selections **)
print "You indicated that the printer will be used on the \n";
print "following systems: <br /> \n";
foreach $key (@sysletter) {
print "$systems{$key} <br />\n";
print "</h2></body></html>\n";
if you need me to post my form file i can do that as well. thanks
I tried using this and i understand how it works, but where do i place each section of the code?? i have tried a few places and it doesnt work. any help is great thanks.
just put that filehandle thing at the end of the code.
And then you can print whatever vars you want into your new file.
im still having trouble, i put the coe at the very bottom and it is still not writing to the text file here is my code:
#juniper.cgi - creates a dynamic Web page that acknowledges
#the receipt of a registration form
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;
#declare variables (** change $ to @ in sysletter / add $key **)
my ($name, $serial, $modnum, @sysletter, $key);
my @models = ("Laser JX", "Laser PL", "ColorPrint XL");
# add hash declaration
my %systems = ("W", "Windows",
"M", "Macintosh",
"L", "Linux");
#assign input items to variables
$name = param('Name');
$serial = param('Serial');
$modnum = param('Model');
# (** change $ to @ in sysletter)
@sysletter = param('System');
#create Web page
print "<html><head><title>Juniper Printers</title></head>\n";
print "<BODY><H2>\n";
print "Thank you, $name, for completing \n";
print "the registration form.<br /><br />\n";
print "We have registered your Juniper $models[$modnum] printer, \n";
print "serial number, $serial. \n";
# (** modify hash references for multiple selections **)
print "You indicated that the printer will be used on the \n";
print "following systems: <br /> \n";
foreach $key (@sysletter) {
print "$systems{$key} <br />\n";
print "</h2></body></html>\n";
open (W_FILE, "/forum/gtgtCInetpubwwwrootjunreg.txt");
print W_FILE "Hey, this text is going straight to the file.\n";
close W_FILE;
Try writing straight into c:
Maybe its something with the folder structure, like folder not existing, syntax wrong or something.
So try changing it into the following:
open (W_FILE, "/forum/gtgtCjunreg.txt");
print W_FILE "Hey, this text is going straight to the file.\n";
close W_FILE;
//now junreg.txt should be in the C:\
The file may be created in the folder in which you run the program.
I finally got it to work, thanks for your help
Your welcome, thanks for helping me make the guide better.
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