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  printing multiple files from the <>  DevDave at 07:39 on Monday, January 22, 2007

Good day to you folks,

I am currently learning to program and I have been given the task of solving a file list line counter. The current program I have written only reads 1 of the files I input and not all...

use strict;
use warnings;

my $longest = -1 ;
my $shortest = -1;
my $line_total = 0;

while (my $line = <>) {
chomp ($line);
$line_total += 1;

if (length ($line) > $longest){
$longest = length ($line);
if ($shortest < 0 || length ($line) < $shortest){
$shortest = length ($line);
print("\n$ARGV $line_total lines, longest=$longest shortest=$shortest\n");

I need to make the output display something like this:

freddy 45 lines, longest=34 shortest=3
freddy_2 57 lines, longest=67 shortest=13
freddy_3 308 lines, longest=308 shortest=61

I need to know exactly where I am going wrong and why?

Many thanks,


  Re: printing multiple files from the <>  mimir at 16:06 on Saturday, February 24, 2007

You must design your own code.

Once there is some technical issue about how excactly to do something very specific... then ask here.

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