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  Urgent help required....Write HTML, PHP from Perl code  elangovank at 12:40 on Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I'm writing a html file from Perl. I have to intialise a PHP variable in the same html code. The code is given below. But it throws an error in the error log while accessing the web page.
print text "<?php $reglink = \""; ?>";
print text "<body bgcolor=#ffffff>\n";

The error is

Global symbol "$reglink" requires explicit package name at /san/ line 100

Is there any way to fix it...

  Re: Urgent help required....Write HTML, PHP from Perl code  mmarab at 13:39 on Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Its because it thinks that $reglink is a variable within the perl code itself. PLace a \ in front of it. Like this:


I hope that is what you ment.

  Re: Urgent help required....Write HTML, PHP from Perl code  elangovank at 14:51 on Wednesday, November 29, 2006


It works after escaping as you said

Thanks a lot.

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