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  having problem in reading directory  sanjaysingh79 at 07:13 on Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I m reading all files and directory in a given directory using the below code but when I m trying to test wethere $file ( in below code ) is a file or dir it is not happening. Can u please tell me the error.

opendir DIR, 'C:/Perl/eg/test/test' || die "could not open the current directory: $!" ;

while (my $file = readdir(DIR) ) {

if ($file eq "." or $file eq ".." or $file eq "/forum/readdir.html" ) {

print "oops not a log file\n";


else {

if (-d $file) { print "dir\n";


if (-f $file) { print "file\n";

print "$file\n";



In the ab

  Re: having problem in reading directory  lekku at 00:51 on Tuesday, January 30, 2007

$dir = "d:/mp3"; Directory do u want

#use Cwd; If you want go to local file folder
#$dir = cwd;
chdir $dir;

opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "can't opendir $dirname1: $!";
while (defined($file5 = readdir(DIR))) {
print $file5 . "\n";

  Re: having problem in reading directory  mimir at 12:32 on Monday, February 26, 2007


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