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  Perl /Tk : close a parent window  night_scorpion at 12:52 on Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hello ,
I am working on a script based on GUI.Could anyone help me out here on how to close the parent window after having the new window opened ?
i couldnt find much information about it on web.

eg :
my $button = $main->Button(
-text => 'RCStocklist',
-command => \&rc
) ->pack();

sub rc{

my $top =$main ->Toplevel();

$top ->title("RC");
$top ->minsize(qw(450 150));


thank u


  Re: Perl /Tk : close a parent window  dabora at 07:36 on Friday, March 25, 2011

CSS style sheets have made it easier to handle web pages during web development. CSS or Cascading Style Sheets as the name suggests is a style sheet that allows you to easily link to other documents in your website. It allows you to retain control over the various elements in different web pages of your website. CSS only defines the structure and content presentation of a website it has nothing to do with the design of a website. A single CSS sheet can control the font, positioning, colour and style information of an entire website.

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