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  circular file references are not allowed  babi at 08:34 on Friday, August 25, 2006

my solution is actually in Visual Studio.NET 2003, and i convert it in Visual Studio.NET 2005, and there're some error message like "circular references are not allowed" and when i double click on one of the error message, it appears <%@ Reference page="/forum//a.html" %> in b.ascx. these are the details :

i've got a structural file and (folder) like this :

<web project>
- a.aspx
- a.aspx.cs
-- (usercontrols)
-- b.ascx
-- b.ascx.cs

*in a.aspx.cs, said it like this :
namespace web {
public partial class a : System.Web.UI.Page {
public const string Mode = "Mode";

*in b.ascx, there's a syntax <%@ Reference page="/forum//a.html" %>

*in b.ascx.cs, said it like this :
namespace web.usercontrols {
public partial class b : System.Web.UI.UserControl {
Session[a.Mode] = "hoho"; // here class web.a is recognized, because of its reference in b.ascx

if i build web site, there's no error, but when i rebuild web site, the error is "circular file references are not allowed"

as in article that you post, the cause probably is "The application contains references to Web pages that are outside the current directory." (no. 2 of cause in the article)

if i remove the syntax <%@ Reference page="/forum//a.html" %> in b.ascx
and then in b.ascx.cs like this :
namespace web.usercontrols {
using web;
public partial class b : System.Web.UI.UserControl {
Session[a.Mode] = "hoho"; // class web.a is not recognized, i do not know why?

i've tried this too in b.ascx.cs, but it failed too :
namespace web.usercontrols {
using web;
public partial class b : System.Web.UI.UserControl {
Session[web.a.Mode] = "hoho"; // class web.a is not recognized, i do not know why?

could you tell me what i have to do with this?

i'll await for your reply.

  Re: circular file references are not allowed  amery buck at 06:10 on Friday, April 02, 2010

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