Can someone please help me convert the following code to C? I am just learning C and this is too overwhelming...
the java code basically reads in a file (specifically for this program, a text file or whatnot for assembly language code), and the program is a pretty printer which creates uniform columns between the assembly code, for example:
SENT: .WORD 0 ; Initializes the...
pArray: .BLOCK 20 ; Reserves space...
nArray: .BLOCK 20 ; Reserves space...
indexP: .WORD 0 ; Index Register...
Here is the java code (when running arguments, you define the file to be brought in and and integer representing the number of spaces for each column.
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
public class PrettyPrinter {
final static String CommentDelimiter = ";";
final static String LabelDelimiter = ":";
final static String BLANK = " ";
final static String Delimiters = " \t" + CommentDelimiter;
static int spacing = 2;
public static int MaxOf(int NewLength, int MaxLength) {
if(NewLength > MaxLength) {
return NewLength;
else {
return MaxLength;
public static int MinOf(int NewI, int MinI) {
if(NewI < MinI) {
return NewI;
else {
return MinI;
public static int indexOf(String Source, String Delimiters) {
int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int loc;
for (int i=0; i<Delimiters.length(); i++) {
loc = Source.indexOf(Delimiters.charAt(i));
result = MinOf(loc,result);
if(result == Integer.MAX_VALUE) result = -1;
return result;
public static int lengthOf(String line, String delimiters, int max) {
int result = max;
int loc;
loc = indexOf(line,delimiters);
if(loc > 0) {
max = MaxOf(loc,max);
line = line.substring(loc+1);
return result;
public static String pad(String S, int width) {
while(S.length() < width) {
S = S + BLANK;
return S;
public static String rtrim(String S) {
while((S.length() > 0) && (S.lastIndexOf(BLANK) == (S.length()-1))) {
S = S.substring(0,(S.length()-1));
return S;
public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException {
File StandardInput = new File(args[0]);
Scanner Input = new Scanner(StandardInput);
String line, comment = "", field = "";
int LabelLength = 0;
int OperatorLength = 0;
int OperandsLength = 0;
int CommentLength = 0;
int LineLength = 0;
int loc;
if(args.length>1) {
spacing = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
while (Input.hasNext( )) {
line=line.replace('\t',' ');
line=line.trim() + BLANK;
LineLength = MaxOf(line.length(),LineLength);
loc = line.indexOf(CommentDelimiter);
if(loc >= 0) {
CommentLength = MaxOf((line.length()-loc),CommentLength);
line = line.substring(0,loc) + BLANK;
loc = line.indexOf(LabelDelimiter);
if(loc >= 0) {
LabelLength = MaxOf(loc,LabelLength);
line = (line.substring(loc+LabelDelimiter.length())).trim() + BLANK;
loc = line.indexOf(BLANK);
if(loc > 0) {
OperatorLength = MaxOf(loc,OperatorLength);
line = (line.substring(loc+1)).trim() + BLANK;
loc = line.indexOf(BLANK);
if(loc > 0) {
OperandsLength = MaxOf(loc,OperandsLength);
line = (line.substring(loc+1)).trim() + BLANK;
LabelLength = LabelLength + 1 + spacing;
OperatorLength = OperatorLength + spacing;
OperandsLength = OperandsLength + spacing;
// System.out.println("End of pass one: "+LabelLength+", "+OperatorLength+", "+OperandsLength+", "+CommentLength+", "+LineLength);
Input = new Scanner(StandardInput);
String output;
while (Input.hasNext( )) {
output = "";
line=line.replace('\t',' ');
line=line.trim() + BLANK;
loc = line.indexOf(CommentDelimiter);
if(loc >= 0) {
comment = line.substring(loc);
line = (line.substring(0,loc)).trim() + BLANK;
else {
comment = "";
if(line.length() > 1) {
loc = line.indexOf(LabelDelimiter);
if(loc >= 0) {
field = line.substring(0,(loc+LabelDelimiter.length()));
line = (line.substring(loc+LabelDelimiter.length())).trim() + BLANK;
else {
field = "";
output = output + pad(field,LabelLength);
loc = line.indexOf(BLANK);
if(loc > 0) {
field = line.substring(0,loc);
line = (line.substring(loc+1)).trim() + BLANK;
else {
field = "";
output = output + pad(field,OperatorLength);
loc = line.indexOf(BLANK);
if(loc > 0) {
field = line.substring(0,loc);
line = (line.substring(loc+1)).trim() + BLANK;
else {
field = "";
output = output + pad(field,OperandsLength);
output = output + pad(comment,(LineLength-(LabelLength+OperatorLength+OperandsLength)));
Please help!!!
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