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  Template  dickyDick at 19:51 on Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hi all,

I am having trouble with class definition with template. The following is a simple example:

template <class DataType>
struct TestStruct {
DataType key;

template <class s, class d>
class DummyClass {
d getKey(s<d> *var) {
return var->key = 10;

int main() {
DummyClass<TestStruct, double> myClas;
return 0;

It produces an error because of s<d>.

If I write:

template <class DataType>
struct TestStruct {
DataType key;

template <class s, class d>
class DummyClass {
d getKey(s *var) {
return var->key = 10;

int main() {
DummyClass<TestStruct<double>, double> myClas;
return 0;

It works just fine. But that is not I want because I need to use "double" twice. Can anyone help?

  Re: Template  vector at 12:36 on Saturday, May 20, 2006

what do you mean u need to use double twice??

s<d> is wrong that is why it's no working

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