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  Help needed with C++ functions  speedstream at 23:29 on Sunday, July 03, 2005

I am a beginner in C++ programming & I use Microsoft visual 2003 as my compiler.

I wrote the following simple program for area of a triangle


int main()


int breadth,height;

int area;

std::cout<< "Enter the breadth";
std::cout<< "Enter the height";

area = TriangleArea(breadth,height);

std::cout<<"Area of the triangle is:"<<area;

return 0;

int TriangleArea(int b,int h)

return 0.5 (b*h);


On debugging in showed the following errors

c:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\C++\Function\Area of triangle.cpp(17): error C3861: 'TriangleArea': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup

c:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\C++\Function\Area of triangle.cpp(26): error C2365: 'TriangleArea' : redefinition; previous definition was a 'formerly unknown identifier'

How do I solve the following errors? Do I need to include any header files?



I have figured out my error.....forgot to define function at the beginning.



int TriangleArea(int b,int h);//function prototype...that's what I missed in the above program

int main() // rest of the code as above


int breadth,height;

  Re: Help needed with C++ functions  Rashakil Fol at 02:14 on Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Why are you using integers? If somebody inputs the numbers 3 and 5, the area is 7.5.

  Re: Help needed with C++ functions  speedstream at 21:36 on Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I used intergers only for my convinence.You can ofcourse change the variable type to float.

  Re: Help needed with C++ functions  korax at 06:49 on Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Have you tried using a forward declaration my friend? In other words:

int TriangleArea(int, int);
before the main function?

Try that out. I guess it should help.

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