I can pretty much handle the find, insert, remove functions, but I am not quite sure how to first, implement the trie, and how I can make it into a patricia tree.
Your task will be to write a class PatriciaTree, which will implement a patricia tree as discussed in class. This class will NOT be a template class. Your patricia tree will store keys of type String and leaf nodes that will indeed store the entire key of type String. Our PatriciaTree specification is as follows:
Abstract Description
Public Interface:
This class should have eight public member functions:}
A no-argument constructor that produces an empty trie.
The Big Three
A function insert which takes a String as a parameter, and inserts that String into the trie.
A function find which takes a String as a parameter, and returns the integer 1 if the parameter String is in the trie, and returns the integer 0 if it is not in the trie.
A function remove which takes a String as a parameter, and removes that String from the trie if it is in the trie.
This forum probably has policies against doing homework assignments. Even if it doesn't, I would encourage you to try to learn this on your own. If you cannot complete the assignment, you need to get help from your instructor. Their job is, after all, to instruct students.
This reply deserves a bump. Well said.
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