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  New Application Development  dshah at 22:11 on Tuesday, August 22, 2006

We are planning to develop application for our dealer, where dealer can log in and manage there accounts. The application has 20 pages. Here is the appliction function view.

We create the first admin username and password for every dealer then dealer admin can log in to our site and create more admin and regular user for their company. Now we have to develop page when dealer admin try to create user then page will display all 20 page names and then admin has option to select view,insert,update or delete for each page and then some how we would like to store this value into array format.

When user try to access pages it read the value from array and define what kind of role he has for this particular page. Is there any example out there so i can take a look. I dont know where to start and how to do that. i developed application when we have four or five role and each user fall under one of this role. In this application each and every user will has different kinds of role for each pages.


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