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  Problem Inserting a Record at desired position in a FARPOINT GRID  mbonthu at 16:45 on Friday, March 18, 2005

In my ASP.NET page, I have a FARPOINT GRID in which I bring all the tables in a drop down box. Once I select a particular table from the drop down box all the fields with data are being displayed in the FARPOINT GRID. I have ADD, UPDATE, and DELETE buttons. I have problem with my ADD button.

I have a sort option for GRID on the table columns. I have 15 tables. For 12 tables I could add a row at any desired position I want before sorting or after sorting. But with other 3 tables I could add a row at any desired position I want without SORTING. But after SORTING I'm not able to insert a record at the desired position. It inserts somewhere, where the end user wouldn't know. The end user has to search for it. Can any one help me why this happens for some tables only? Has it got anything with the table structure. Any Help is Appreciated priorly.



Hello All,
In my ASP.NET page, I have a DROP DOWN BOX and a FARPOINT GRID, in which I bring all the tables from database and pupulate in a drop down box. Once I select a particular table from the drop down box all the fields with data are being displayed in the FARPOINT GRID. I have ADD, UPDATE, and DELETE buttons. I have problem with my ADD button.

I have a sort option for GRID on the table columns. I have 15 tables. For 12 tables I could add a row at any desired position I want before sorting or after sorting. But with other 3 tables I could add a row at any desired position I want without SORTING. But after SORTING I'm not able to insert a record at the desired position. It inserts somewhere, where the end user wouldn't know. The end user has to search for it. Can any one help me why this happens for some tables only? Has it got anything with the table structure. Any Help is Appreciated in advance.

Thanks and


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