I have the same javascript functions which will be used by different ASP.NET web applications, so instead writing the same scripts to every .aspx file, I should make it shared. but how can I do that? save the scripts into a file and then called by different .aspx files? If so, what will be the syntax? I know this question may be too simple, however, I haven't done this before, so really appreciate if you could show me how to do it, thank u!!
Yes, put your javascript into an external file, with a "/forum/.js" extension. The file contains just the javascript (you don't the <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags).
Then, to reference them in an HTML (or ASPX) file, you use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/forum/myExternalJavascript.js" />
Simple as that!
hi there? if I wrote script type="text/javascript" src="/forum/myExternalJavascript.js" />
, the page won't be rendered at all. I have to write
<script type="text/javascript" src="/forum/myExternalJavascript.js"></script>
Aren't they the same definition? ...
Yes, they are:
<script />
Is functionally the same as:
But use what works. Perhaps your doctype requires an explicit closing tag.
Thanks for your information.
I am trying to develop amother windows application allowing user to control windows services. I have an ArrayList containing windows services data to be displayed to the user. Except displaying the Service Name and status, I would like to have a column of check box and maybe a column of buttons associated with each row.
I am not sure whether to use Listview or datagrid? so little comparison information between these two in the net. it seems none of them support column of button control? I feel even if the check box is not easy to implement, how do you feel?
Thank u very much!!
DataGrid is much more powerful and complex, and is overkill in most situations. ListView sounds right for your case.
Have you looked at the Repeater control?
It seems windows application doesn't provide us a Repeater control. If I am not wrong, Repeator is only in web application.
We're in the ASP.NET forum, and we're talking about JavaScript. I assumed you were developing a web application.
you are right, just feel more experts in ASP.NET forum. :):) and I believe those of you are not only good at web app development but windows app development. So also raised my questions here....
I haven't done any windows development with .NET, sorry!