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  how come Animated GIF becomes still in ASP.NET webpage???  ipsoftware at 08:17 on Saturday, January 15, 2005

I want an animated gif image to be shown once the form is submitted and some time-consuming activities is run in the server side.

Now, upon clicking on the button, the hidden image is shown. However, surprisingly, the animated gif becomes a still one while the backend time-consuming activity is in progress. The image is not animated any more.

In the code file behind. I wrote:
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

public Button1_click(....)
time consuming operation here...

then one the .aspx file, I wrote the script as:
function showImage()
document.getElementById(imageID).style.visibility = "visible";

How come the image is not animated any more while the time-consuming function is running behind??

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