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  New look for CodeToad!  David Bruce at 12:45 on Saturday, August 30, 2003

You may have noticed we're currently in the process of some big layout changes here at CT - this will be ongoing for the next few days so please bare with us.

The three biggest changes are:

Addition of new C++,Perl and PHP sections, including a dedicated forum for each language. This is due simply to popular demand. We have some script tutorials ready for each section and they will be added shortly.

Membership - our forums now require an email verification and login before posting. The old system allowed users to post any email (including someone elses) and was therefore a godsend to spammers. We know that the quality of posts improves if people have to verify their email, so this should only benefit everyone!

The forums have also moved to Version 2 of the software and have numerous improvements - preview, archived posting, automatic linking and more!

Another great addition to the forum is our Site Experts - we've gathered a small collection of industry experts who will be generously giving their time to answer your programming dilemas. This is the way CT is heading, so expect to see much more about this in the very near future.

Finally, there has been a slight redesign to incorporate the new larger banner sizes. We hope we have done this tastefully - and actually improved the layout as opposed to cluttering it more.

Hope you like the changes, and as ever, your feedback would be warmly welcomed.

David Bruce: site expert

  Re: New look for CodeToad!  Troy Wolf at 20:20 on Saturday, August 30, 2003

I've looked around at the changes, and I have to say I'm impressed! The "My CodeToad" section is great--and very intuitive. I didn't have to spend 10 minutes trying to figure out the new system. Great work, David!
Troy Wolf: site expert
SnippetEdit Website Editor

  Re: New look for CodeToad!  Jeff Anderson at 11:21 on Monday, September 01, 2003

David - I think you've done a great job here. I particularly like the new layout of the forum which is very intuitive.

  Re: New look for CodeToad!  Jeff Anderson at 11:25 on Monday, September 01, 2003

By the way, when's the C++ stuff coming?

  Re: New look for CodeToad!  Yusairi at 17:24 on Friday, September 03, 2004

hi david,

i'm back.
improved so much after a year surfing here.
now, i'm working closely with Borland C++ Builder.
interesting IDE tool.
seem waiting to support on C++/ASP/PHP/HTML/Javascript
and maybe some VB code. hahahahaha...

you still had many row of forum's column.
suggesting, maybe you can put forum on MsSQL, MySQL
and MsAccess. mostly the programmer working with database.
maybe they will face a problem or maybe can share their
idea here. it'll improve the capability.

just curious on can be first of five page
from search result.

smile david and well done man.

"gain more knowledge at"

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