I'm trying to set a value into a specific location in the Array. So far I have:
* Sets the specified value in a grid at the location specified by the CoordinatePair parameter.
* This method will be invoked on the display grid.
* @param CoordinatePair object containing the coordinates, and the value to put into that
* location as a char.
public void setSpecificCoordinates(CoordinatePair coordsToSet, char valueToSet)
coordsToSet = grid[][]; // I realize this is all wrong
vauleToSet =
I'm at a total loss as how to do this. The CoordinatePair is a simple class that has accessor methods for row and column and set methods for row and column. I'm not sure how to use CoordinatePair in the class that I am creating now. (which is a 2-D Array)
Any help would be appreciated.
I have been working on it and I'm a little closer but I'm getting an error at the if statement line...
public void setRandomCoordinates(int numCoordsToSet, char valueToSet)
CoordinatePair coords;
int counter = 0;
while (counter < numCoordsToSet)
if (coords.equals valueToSet) // test if the coordinates already have a target char - error here
getRandomCoordinates(); // get new coordinates
coords=valueToSet; // set the valueToSet into the coordinates
should be
But you cannot test a CoordPair with a char as equals.
You want to get the char at the CoordPair location and test that against the "valueToSet" or see if it is blank or whatever you're interested in.
Thank you so much!
I was wondering, are there any really good intro to Java tutorials on the web or places to go to learn about it?
I'm using a website called MindLeaders and the previous courses I took were great (HTML, CSS, etc.) but this Java is very hard to understand for me. I have never programmed before.
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