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  loop, break problem!  dulcinea26 at 10:36 on Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hi all;

I have a problem regarding my loop.The code is below:

StringTokenizer wordFactory = new StringTokenizer(myNewString);

while (wordFactory.hasMoreTokens())
//get the next word from the sentence
Aword = wordFactory.nextToken();
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();


let me explain how the code works.

the input is "aaa bbb ccc" and it is suppose to print one by one and the output will be printed out one by one, aaa then bbb and then ccc.

i do this method since i want to track the time of each word with brute force method :

for(char r = 'a'; r <= 'z'; r++){
first = r;
for(char s = 'a'; s<='z'; s++){
second = s;
for (char t = 'a'; t <= 'z'; t++){
third = t;
if(anotherWord == Aword){
//track the time when anotherWord == Aword

my problem is, once "aaa" has been detected by the code, how can i proceed to detect "bbb" and "ccc"?

i really appreciate anyone's help. if the problem explanation is quite blur, u can ask me to explain in detail!

thanx in advance!


  Re: loop, break problem!  miteshbhimjiyaani at 04:25 on Wednesday, March 29, 2006

if(anotherWord == Aword){
//track the time when anotherWord == Aword

replace with
if(anotherWord .equals(Aword)){

//track the time when anotherWord == Aword

  Re: loop, break problem!  crwood at 06:29 on Wednesday, March 29, 2006

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
String input = "aaa bbb ccc";
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(input);
while(tok.hasMoreElements()) {
String token = tok.nextToken();
char first, second, third;
String theword;
for(char r = 'a'; r <= 'z'; r++) {
first = r;
for(char s = 'a'; s <= 'z'; s++) {
second = s;
for (char t = 'a'; t <= 'z'; t++) {
third = t;
theword = String.valueOf(first) + second + third;
if(theword.equals(token)) {
r = (char)'z'+1;

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