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  html usage in javascript  faizy457 at 17:08 on Monday, July 03, 2006

I have an html table with values. When someone clicks on edit button i have to replace the cell with text box having those values. Then if someone edits the text box i have to get those edited values.
i am using following javascript code

temp[j]=eval("(document.getElementById('"+j+"').innerHTML)") ;
( i have given the table cells an id now i am gettign values of the cells )

eval("document.getElementById('"+j+"')").innerHTML="<input type = text name = text'"+j+"' >";
(This replaces the table cell with text box)

document.forms["frmMyProjects"].elements["text'"+j+"'"].value = temp[j];
(this fills the text box with the value that was there in the table cell)

Now the problem is i want to get the value of text box when some one has edited it so .
how to do that.
Any help will be of great appreciation

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